Module 6 Teacher Resources
Teacher Notes
Lesson # 6.1
Students will work in groups to classify classroom objects then answer a guiding question, "Why is it beneficial to classify organisms?"
- Teacher Prep
- Place students in groups of 3 or pairs.
- Student Directions
- Observe and make a list of various objects in the classroom.
- Organize the objects. in 6 groups based on similar characteristics and/or properties.
- Decide on a heading for each group based on the objects in the group.
- Answer the Guiding question: "Why is it beneficial to classify organisms?"
Activity 1: Linnaean Classification
Students will use the image below to make an acronym, song or poem that helps them remember the order of classification from Domains to Species.
Activity 2: Picture inquiry
- Teacher Prep
- Divide class into pairs.
- Options for attribute grid
- Make copies of the Domains Attribute Grid Download Domains Attribute Grid (3 to a page) and cut. Provide each student with one copy.
- Instruct students to open, complete and submit the Domains Attribute provided in the students course.
- Student Directions: Students will use the Domains Attribute Grid Download Domains Attribute Grid and Domains PowerPoint Download Domains PowerPoint to discuss and document characteristic of the 3 Domains. Allow students to add to or revise their charts will watching the Domains of LIfe Video (2:58 min) in Activity 3. Key is HERE Download HERE
Activity 3: Domains of Life Video (2:58 min)
Activity 4: Kingdoms Dichotomous Key
- Teacher Prep
- Divide classes into groups of 2-3 students.
- If computers are not available make copies of the following. Class sets, 1 for each group. It is recommended to either laminate these documents or copy them on card stock:
- EXPLORE_Kingdoms Dichotomous Key 3persheet.docx Download EXPLORE_Kingdoms Dichotomous Key 3persheet.docx
- EXPLORE_Kingdoms classification Organisms Cards.docx Download EXPLORE_Kingdoms classification Organisms Cards.docx
- Place the organism cards and 1 dichotomous key in a zipper bag or envelope. It is recommended to number the bags or envelopes.
- KEY for the Dichotomous Key is HERE Download HERE.
This activity as 2 parts.
- Students should use the Kingdoms dichotomous key to sort Kingdoms Organism cards into kingdom groups.
- Students will determine the characteristics of each kingdom and enter the information in one of the following formats. You may choose or allow them to choose. Both may either be printed, submitted online or copied into science journals.
- If students complete the documents online, a submission page will be provided that you may publish.
- Reading Passages
- Students will read passages on the three domains and four kingdoms. While reading they will check and revise the Kingdom Classification Chart.docx and the Domains Attribute grids from the EXPLORE section.
- Classification with Justification Activity
- Teacher prep:
- Place students in groups of 2
- Print, laminate and cut the Classification Organism Cards Download Classification Organism Cards
- Place each organism card at a different station around the classroom.
- Students will use the Classification Stations with Justification Download Classification Stations with Justification organizer to document how they classify the different organisms and justify their decisions citing evidence from the cards. This activity is about using the students' justifications as a formative assessment to determine and explain any misconceptions they have. A submission page is provided. Also a PowerPoint of the organism cards is provided HERE Download HERE for you to use to go over answers.
- CPalms Tutorial, Classifying Living Things Links to an external site. is included as an extra resource. You may also access the tutorial with this URL Links to an external site.
- Teacher prep:
- Students will submit an answer to the question, "Why is it beneficial to classify organisms?" on a discussion page.
The Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) activity, Organism Classification Using a Dichotomous Key, was revised from CPalms. The activity URL is Links to an external site.
A 5 Question multiple choice question is provided.
Additional Resources
Content Note: Resources on the topic of classification of organisms vary in regards to the members of the domains and kingdoms. As per the FLDOE Life Science course description, the curriculum focuses on the Domains: Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya and the Kingdoms of Eukarya: Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
Teacher Content Knowledge Resources
- Annenberg Learner Links to an external site.
- Tutorials Point: Biology Classification Of Organisms
- Scientific ideas are absolute and unchanging: Classification may change as new discoveries are made.